2011 French open winners:
Male Single:Rafel Nadal (spain)
Women:Na Li (china)
2011 Australian Open:
Male:Novak Djokovic
Women:Kim Clijsters
The Longest highway in the world is the Trans-Canada About 8000 km. -The length of the English channel is 564 kilometres.
In which city is India largest stadium located?
-Who has been awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine 2010?
>Robert Edwards
Which Constitution is in the written form for the first time by an elected body during the Modern period?-
To get the Latest GK and Current affairs visit wwetarungk.blogspot.com
Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals & more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off 4 one hour 4 climate.
1.Niagara Falls was discovered by:
Louis Hennepin
2.The national flower of Italy is:
3.The national flower of China is:
The Nitrogen fixation is done by Blue-green algae.
What term used for several individual of different species living in alocality?
Organisms at the base of the food chain are Photosynthetic plants.
The minimum possible temperature beyond which matter cannot be cooled is -273.15oC
Country-independece day::
Belgium-July 21
Brazil-September 7
Canada-July 1
China-October 1
Chile-September 18
ISO means International Organization for Standardization is the worlds largest developer and publisher of International Standards.
In the final form of the Constitution adopted by the Constituent Assembly, how many Articles and Schedules were there?
- 395 Articles and 8 Schedules.
*Bahrain- Manama-Dinar
Zebras Can't Be Tamed & Trained Like Horses Due To Their Wild Unpredictable Nature
>Many Ants Life Expectancy Is Two Months Or Less.
'Ganges' Is The Longest River Of India
>'Yamuna' Is The Longest Tributary River Of India
>'Godavari' Is The Longest River Of South India
'Ganges' Is The Longest River Of India
>'Yamuna' Is The Longest Tributary River Of India
>'Godavari' Is The Longest River Of South India
3rd Anglo Mysore War Was Fought from 1789-92, In Which Tipu Sultan Was Defeated
>In 4th Anglo Mysore War Tipu Sultan Was Killed, Fought In 1799
The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle,usually known by its abbreviation PSLV is the first operational launch vehicle of ISRO.
WorldS BIGGEST railway station ?
Grand central terminal(NEWYORK
Kharagpur(west bengal,India
Who is known as the Grand Old Man of india?
Ans: Dadabhai Navaroji.
Sunlight reaches earth in about 8 minutes 19 seconds
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World biggest Zoo is situated where ?
Ans: Kroger national park
Who is the author of novel "Tokyo Cancelled"?
Ans: Rana Das Gupta
Success in life can never be an accident
It is the result of right decsion at right time
Champion are not people who never fail but people who never QUIT
July 11, Is Observed As 'World Population Day'
>China Is The First Country To Commence Competitive Examination In Civil Services
Asia Continent Is Covered 30% Of D Total Earth Land Area But Represent 60% Of D Worlds Population
>About 75% Of D People In D US Live On 2% Land
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Was Estd. In 1919
-Its HeadQuarter Is In Geneva
-Its Purpose Is To Improve Living Standard Of Workers
The Late Wilson Jones from India was a world champ in which sport?
*A Shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
CST-Central Sales Tax
TIEA-Tax Information Exchange Agreement
CEPA-Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
CPI-Consumer Price Index
Florence Nightingale is also called "The Lady with the Lamp"
*Beighton cup is associated with Hockey
*Guru Nanak Dev was born on 1469
*Rain/Silver Iodide
*Vitamin/Vitamin C
*Rain/Silver Iodide
*Vitamin/Vitamin C
The forest in Sunderbans is called
*The term Caste was derived from
*ICC cricketer of d year 2009
-Mitchell Johnsone
Who introduced dual government
-Robert Clive
*The bengal gazette was started
*Black soil is most suitable for growing
Which Blower throw very tightly over in ODI ?
Ans: Fill Simones
Only One Person In Two Billion Will Live To Be 116 Or Older
>In Ancient Egypt, Priests Plucked Every Hair From Their Bodies
What is The Total Number of Books in The New Testmant, of The Bible ?
-The Very First Olympic Game Held at Olympia
>A Mole Can Dig a Tunnel Upto 300 Feet Long In Just One Single Night
>A Pregnant GoldFish Is Called a 'Twit'
>Mosquitoes Have Teetheeth
Frogs Use Their Eyes To Help Them Eat Their Food, They Can Pull Their Eyes Inward Towards The Mouth To Help Push The Food Down Their Throat
Sepcial names: Earth's twin,Evening star,Morning star
Slowest rotation in solar system(257 days)
Rotates backwards
No satellit
Vivian Richards is d only player to have played both World Cup football & d Cricket World Cup
Author of Akbarnama is Abul Fazal
Which One of The Districts Has The Largest Deposits of Tungsten.?
(A) Ajmer
(B) Nagaur
(C) Sirohi
(D) Jaipur
Ans : (B)
The Period of The Indus Valley Civilization Ranges From?
When Was Guru Nanak Born
In a Dry Cell(battery), Which of Used Electrolytes?
Chloride and Zinc Chloride
-Electric Current is Measured by Ammeter