The stethoscope is an acoustic medical device for auscultation, or listening to the internal sounds of a body. It is often used to listen to lung and heart sounds. It is also used to listen to intestines and blood flow in arteries and veins. In combination with a sphygmomanometer, it is commonly used for measurements of blood pressure. Less commonly, “mechanic’s stethoscopes”
are used to listen to internal sounds made by machines, such as
diagnosing a malfunctioning automobile engine by listening to the sounds
of its internal parts. Stethoscopes can also be used to check
scientific vacuum chambers for leaks, and for various other small-scale
acoustic monitoring tasks. A stethoscope that intensifies auscultatory
sounds is called phonendoscope.
The stethoscope was invented in France in 1816 by René Laennec at the Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital in Paris.
It consisted of a wooden tube and was monaural. The first flexible
stethoscope of any sort may have been a binaural instrument with
articulated joints not very clearly described in 1829. In 1840, Golding Bird
described a stethoscope he had been using with a flexible tube. Bird
was the first to publish a description of such a stethoscope but he
noted in his paper the prior existence of an earlier design (which he
thought was of little utility) which he described as the snake ear
trumpet. In 1851, Irish physician Arthur Leared invented a binaural stethoscope, and in 1852 George Cammann
perfected the design of the instrument for commercial production, which
has become the standard ever since. By 1873, there were descriptions of
a differential stethoscope that could connect to slightly different
locations to create a slight stereo effect, though this did not become a
standard tool in clinical practice.
Several other minor refinements were made
to stethoscopes, until in the early 1960s Dr. David Littmann, a Harvard
Medical School professor, created a new stethoscope that was lighter
than previous models and had improved acoustics. In the late 1970s, 3M-Littmann
introduced the tunable diaphragm: a very hard (G-10) glass-epoxy resin
diaphragm member with an overmolded silicone flexible acoustic surround
which permitted increased excursion of the diaphragm member in a
“z”-axis with respect to the plane of the sound collecting area. The
left shift to a lower resonant frequency increases the volume of some
low frequency sounds due to the longer waves propagated by the increased
excursion of the hard diaphragm member suspended in the concentric
accountic surround. Conversely, restricting excursion of the diaphragm
by pressing the stethoscope diaphragm surface firmly against the
anatomical area overlying the physiological sounds of interest, the
acoustic surround could also be used to dampen excursion of the
diaphragm in response to “z”-axis pressure against a concentric fret.
This raises the frequency bias by shortening the wavelength to
auscultate a higher range of physiological sounds. 3-M Littmann is also
credited with a collapsible mold frame for sludge molding a single
column bifurcating stethoscope tube with an internal septum dividing the
single column stethoscope tube into discrete left and right binaural
In 1999, Richard Deslauriers
patented the first external noise reducing stethoscope, the DRG
Puretone. It featured two parallel lumens containing two steel coils
which dissipated infiltrating noise as inaudible heat energy. The steel
coil “insulation” added .30 lb to each stethoscope. In 2005, DRG’s diagnostics division was acquired by TRIMLINE Medical Products.
Types of stethoscopes
- Acoustic
- Electronic
- – Recording stethoscopes
- Fetal stethoscope
- Electronic
- – Recording stethoscopes
- Fetal stethoscope